Sunday – its Origin, History and Present Obligation by J.A. Hessey

Sunday – its Origin, History and Present Obligation by J.A. Hessey

Today’s free book is James A. Hessey’s 1860 Bampton Lectures on the Christian Sunday. Several of the lectures helpful survey the history of the observance of Sunday through Christian history. A copy of this public domain title was provided by Book Aid for digitisation. More resources on Sunday observance can be found here. This post…

Essays on Evangelical Social Ethics on-line

Thanks to the kind permission of Paternoster Publishing, the following collection of essays is now available for free download. David F. Wright, ed., Essays in Evangelical Social Ethics. Wilton, CN: Morehouse-Barlow Co., Inc., 1983. Pbk. ISBN: 0819213268. pp.192. During recent years Christians have done a great deal of radical thinking about society. Some of it…