Theories of the Atonement by Thomas Hywel Hughes

Theories of the Atonement by Thomas Hywel Hughes

2 years ago

Thomas Hywel Hughes was Principal of the Scottish Congregational College in Edinburgh. His book on the theories of the atonement…

Bibliography of the Works of Professor Ronald E. Clements

2 years ago

A bibliography of the works of Professor Ronald E. Clements is now available and provides links to a number of…

Ideas of the Fall and of Original Sin – N.P. Williams

2 years ago

In his 1924 Bampton Lectures N.P. Williams examined in some detail the development of the doctrines of the fall and…

Historic Theories of the Atonement by Robert Mackintosh

2 years ago

Robert Mackintosh provides a helpful historical survey of theories of the atonement up to the 1920s. This public domain title…

Abraham Kuyper on the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit

2 years ago

Today's free book is reformed theologian Abraham Kuyper's substantial work on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. This public domain…

Person and Place of Jesus Christ by P T Forsyth

2 years ago

Today's free book is a collection of 12 lectures on the person and place of Jesus Christ by P T…

Positive Preaching and the Modern Mind – P T Forsyth

2 years ago

Today's free book is P T Forsyth's classic work on homiletics, Positive Preaching and the Modern Mind. This public domain…

Commentary on the Anglican Office of Baptism

2 years ago

Today's free book is Rev Henry Wall Periera's detailed Commentary on the Office for the Ministration of Holy Baptism. This…

Cruciality of the Cross by P.T. Forsyth

2 years ago

Today's free book is P T Forsyth's classic study of the importance of the crucifixion in Christian theology. Forsyth is…

Justification of God by P T Forsyth

2 years ago

Today's free book is P T Forsyth's World War I lecture series on Christian Theodicy. "In his Christian Theology: An…