
E.C. Blackman’s The Faith We Preach

Edwin Cyril Blackman, The Faith We PreachThis brief outline of the Christianity was Intended to aid lay preachers in conveying the wholeness of the Christian faith and thought.

This book is still in copyright. Permission to reproduce it on-line has been granted by E.C. Blackman’s family and the United Reformed Church. It can be used for educational purposes, but not sold for profit without permission from the copyright holders.

Edwin Cyril Blackman, The Faith We Preach. London: Independent Press Ltd., 1952. Hbk. pp.159. [Click to visit the download page for this book]

Table of Contents

  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  1. God and His Sovereignty
  2. Man and His Need
  3. Christ and His Succour
  4. Christ and His Society
  5. Christ and His Book


This little book is an attempt to set forth a rough outline of the Christian faith. It has in view the needs of Lay Preachers, and therefore does not presume that its readers will be trained in theology. It does, however, invite serious thought, and does not suggest that all is simple and capable of popular exposition. In spite of many omissions it is hoped that some idea is conveyed of the wholeness of Christian faith and thought; of Christianity, that is, not as a series of beliefs about this or that, plus a mainly negative ethic, but as an articulated system of belief, which contains within itself the motives of moral endeavour. We are here concerned with what Professor Farmer, in his book God and Men, calls “the unity and consistency” of the Christian view of life….

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