Girdlestone’s Old Testament Theology

Robert Baker Girdlestone [1836-1923], Old Testament Theology and Modern IdeasRobert Baker Girdlestone [1836-1923] sets out in this volume to provide a brief survey of Old Testament Theology and apply this to questions of his day. This title is in the public domain.

Robert Baker Girdlestone [1836-1923], Old Testament Theology and Modern Ideas. London: Longman, Green & Co., 1909. Hbk. pp.129. [Click to download complete book in PDF]

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction: Method of Treatment
  2. Revelation and Inspiration
  3. Theology in the Prophetic Writings
  4. Theology in the Psalms
  5. Theology in the Historical Books
  6. Theology in the Mosaic Books (Exodus to Deuteronomy)
  7. Theology in Genesis
  8. Names and Titles of God in the Old Testament
  9. Theistic Monism the Basis of Old Testament Theology
  10. Man the Link Between God and the World
  11. Primary Attributes of God
  12. Moral Attributes of God
  13. God’s Righteous Administration
  14. God and Evil
  15. God’s Counsel Not to Be Frustrated
  16. Providence and Chance
  17. Providence and Prayer

Method of Treatment [page 8]

The course which will be adopted in this manual is, first, to take a brief general survey of the theology of the Books, beginning with the Prophets and Psalms and working back gradually to the dawn of sacred history; secondly, to examine the names, titles and attributes of God as presented in the volume as a whole; thirdly, to investigate the teaching of the Old Testament in what may perhaps be called a scientific method, bringing it as far as possible into touch with the questions of the day. For this last purpose all parts of the Hebrew Scriptures will be freely quoted without reference to speculative questions as to authorship and composition, the unity of the Scriptures being recognised throughout, and the Books being taken on their own profession as bona-fide and authoritative documents received by the Jewish Church and accepted by the Christian. [Continue reading]