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Bibliography of the Works of Professor Ronald E. Clements

A bibliography of the works of Professor Ronald E. Clements is now available and provides links to a number of his books and articles that are now online. My thanks to Professor Clements – now 93 and still going strong – for his kind permission to make his works freely available.

A number of Professor Clement’s books can be accessed via the online University Library Perlego using a free trial or paid subscription. Perlego provides access to over 30,000 theology textbooks. Use this link to receive a 10% discount on a Perlego subscription. Use this link to get the 10% discount or enter the code “theologyontheweb” at checkout. Theology on the Web is an affiliate of Perlego and recieves a small payment for each trial membership.

Click here to access Ronald E. Clement’s Bibliography