
Christian Experience of Forgiveness by H D Mackintosh

Christian Experience of Forgiveness by H D Mackintosh

Today's free book is H.D. Mackintosh's study of the Christian Experience of Forgiveness. This public domain title was digitised from…

1 year ago

Grace by Lewis Sperry Chafer

Today's free book is Lewis Sperry Chafer's exposition of the doctrine of salvation. This title is in the public domain…

1 year ago

Theories of the Atonement by Thomas Hywel Hughes

Thomas Hywel Hughes was Principal of the Scottish Congregational College in Edinburgh. His book on the theories of the atonement…

2 years ago

Historic Theories of the Atonement by Robert Mackintosh

Robert Mackintosh provides a helpful historical survey of theories of the atonement up to the 1920s. This public domain title…

2 years ago

Cruciality of the Cross by P.T. Forsyth

Today's free book is P T Forsyth's classic study of the importance of the crucifixion in Christian theology. Forsyth is…

2 years ago

Studies in Theology by James Denney

Today's free book is James Denney's Studies in Theology, a series of lectures originally delivered at Chicago Theological Seminary. My…

3 years ago

Doctrine of the Atonement by J.K. Mozley

Today's free book is J.K. Mozley's study of the history of the doctrine of the atonement in Christian theology. My…

3 years ago

Death of Christ – James Denney

Today's free book is James Denney's classic study of the New Testament's interpretation of the death of Christ. My thanks…

3 years ago

Christian Doctrine of Reconciliation by James Denney

Today's free book is a series of lectures were prepared, but never delivered in person, by James Denney. The Cunningham…

3 years ago

Doctrine of Sacrifice and Atonement by Alfred Cave

Today's free book is Alfred Cave's detailed study of the doctrine of sacrifice and atonement. Alfred Cave was Professor and…

3 years ago