Historical Theology

Development of English Theology in the 19th Century, 1800-1860 – Vernon F. Storr

Development of English Theology in the 19th Century, 1800-1860 – Vernon F. Storr

Today's free book is a work on historical theology that charts the development of English Theology during the reigns of…

1 year ago

Person of Christ – a Dogmatic, Scriptural and Historical Study by W.B. Pope

Today's free book is a detailed study of the development of the doctrine of the person of Christ by William…

2 years ago

Ideas of the Fall and of Original Sin – N.P. Williams

In his 1924 Bampton Lectures N.P. Williams examined in some detail the development of the doctrines of the fall and…

2 years ago

Historic Theories of the Atonement by Robert Mackintosh

Robert Mackintosh provides a helpful historical survey of theories of the atonement up to the 1920s. This public domain title…

2 years ago

Nature of the Atonement by John McLeod Campbell

Today's free book is John McLeod Campbell's study of the nature of the atonement. My thanks to Book Aid for…

4 years ago

Introduction to Historical Theology by John Stoughton

John Stoughton's Historical Theology covers the development of Christian doctrine from the early church to 1560. This title is in…

7 years ago