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Book Description
- Title:
- The Person of Christ: Dogmatic, Scriptural, Historical: the Fernley lecture of 1871: with two additional essays on the biblical and ecclesiastical development of the doctrine, and illustrative notes, 2nd edn.
- Authors:
- William Burt Pope [1822-1903]
- Publication Year:
- 1875
- Location:
- London
- Publisher:
- Wesleyan Conference Office
- Pages:
- 302
- Subjects:
- Christian Doctrine, Christology, Person of Christ
- Copyright Holder:
- Public domain
Table of Contents
- Preface to the Second Edition
- The Person of Christ
- The Constitution of the Incarnate Person
- The Personality only Divine
- The Divine-human PERSON
- The Mystery of Glory of Christian Faith
- Relation of the Indivisible Person to Christian Theology
- Revelation
- Mediation
- Real Presence
- Personal Religion
- The Divine-human Head of the Church
- Scriptural Development
- The Old Testament
- The Future SEED as Human
- The Angel of Jehovah as Divine
- Divine-human in Later Old Testament
- The Divine-human Person subordinate as Mediator
- Measure of Old Testament Revelation
- Our Lord's Testimony
- While on Earth - His Names
- Testimony from Heaven
- Apostolic Testimony
- The Evangelists
- The Apostles
- History of the Dogma
- Anti-Nicene Age
- The Christological Controversies
- Later Reproductions of Error
- Medieval Speculation
- The Reformation
- Modern Arianism and Socinianism
- Modern Development
- Notes
- Nature and Person
- The Son Incarnate
- Reasons for the Incarnation of the Soul
- The Son of God and the Son of Man
- Impersonality of the Human Nature
- St. John's lncarnation-Phrases
- Apollinarianism in Modern Theology
- "The Exinanition"
- Depotentiation
- The Unchanged Manhood
- Biblical Theology
- Revelation
- Latitudinarian Theories
- Modern Theopaschitism
- The Sinlessness of Jesus
- The Sinlessness of Jesus
- The Exinanition Incomprehensible
- The Sacramental Presence
- The Real Presence by the Spirit
- The Controversy on the Eternal Sonship
- The Angel of Jehovah
- The Son of God in the Gospels
- The Son of Man in the Gospels
- St. Paul's Testimony to the Two Natures