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H. Wayne House, Charts of Christian Theology and
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Alistair E. McGrath (Editor), The Christian Theology Reader, 2nd edn. Blackwell Publishers, 1995. Pbk.
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Alister E. McGrath, Iustitia Dei.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Pbk. ISBN: 0521624819. pp.552. Excellent historical study of the development of the doctrine of
justification. |
Alister E. McGrath, Studies in
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Hugh Ross Mackintosh, Types of
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John Macquarrie, Twentieth Century Religious Thought:
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Roger E. Olson, The Mosaic
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Neil Ormerod, Introducing
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Hans Schwarz, Theology in a
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Helmut W. Ziefle (Editor), Modern Theological German: A Reader and Dictionary. Grand Rapids: Baker
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