Greg L. Bahnsen, "The Crucial Concept
of Self-Deception in Presuppositional Apologetics," Westminster Theological
Journal 57.1 (1995): 1-32. |
Greg L. Bahnsen, Van Til's Apologetic:
Readings and Analysis. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R Publishing ISBN:
0875520987. pp.764. |
Bruce A. Baker, "Romans 1:18-21 and
Presuppositional Apologetics," Bibliotheca Sacra 155: 619 (1998):
280-298. |
Gordon H. Clark, A Christian View of
Men and Things, 3rd edn. Trinity Foundation, 1998.Pbk. ISBN: 1891777017.
pp.260. |
Gordon H. Clark, Religion, Reason
and Revelation. Nutley, N.J.: Craig Press, 1961; 3rd edn. Jefferson, MD:
Trinity Foundation, 1995. Pbk. ISBN: 0940931869. pp.264. |
William Edgar, "Without Apology: Why I
Am a Presuppositionalist," Westminster Theological Journal 58.1 (1996):
17-27. |
John M. Frame, Cornelius Van Til: An
Analysis of His Thought. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian & Reformed,
1995. Pbk. ISBN: 0875522459. pp.463. |
M. Frame, "Presuppositional Apologetics: An Introduction. Part 1 of 2:
Introduction and Creation." IIIM Magazine Online, Volume 1, Number 8,
April 19 to April 25, 1999. |
M. Frame, "Presuppositional Apologetics: An Introduction. Part 2 of 2: Fall and
Redemption; and Summary and Conclusion." IIIM Magazine Online, Volume 1,
Number 9, April 26 to May 2, 1999. |
John J. Johnson, "Is Cornelius Van Til's Apologetic Method Christian, or
Merely Theistic?" The Evangelical Quarterly 75.3 (July-Sept. 2003):
257-268. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
Henry Krabbendam, "Cornelius Van Til:
The Methodological Objective of a Biblical Apologetics," Westminster
Theological Journal 57.1 (1995): 125-144. |
North, Foundations of Christian Scholarship: Essays in the Van Til
Perspective. Vallecito, Calif.: Ross House Books, 1976. Pbk. ISBN:
9991974601. |
Paul A. Rainbow, "Millennium as
Metaphor in John's Apocalypse," Westminster Theological Journal 58.2
(1996): 209-221. |
Aims to be a comprehensive catalogue of online resources explicitly related to
the theology, philosophy, and apologetics of Cornelius Van Til. |
Cornelius Van Til, A Christian
Theory of Knowledge. Philadelphia: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1969.
pp.390. |
Cornelius Van Til, Christian Theistic Evidences, 2nd edn.. Phillipsburg, NJ: Puritan & Reformed, 2016. ISBN: 9781596389243. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link] |
Cornelius Van Til, The
Defense of the Faith. Nutley, NJ: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1955; 2d
ed., 1963; 3nd edn., 1967. Pbk. ISBN: 0875524834. pp.299. |
Cornelius Van Til, A Survey of
Christian Epistemology. In Defense of the Faith, 2, 2nd edn. Nutley, NJ:
den Dulk Christian Foundation, 1969; Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian &
Reformed, 1969. pp. xv + 228. |
Van Til, Christian Apologetics. Presbyterian & Reformed, 1976. Pbk.
ISBN: 087552477X. pp.99. |
David L. Turner, "Cornelius Van Til and
Romans 1:18-21 A Study in the Epistemology of Presuppositional Apologetics," Grace Theological Journal 2.1 (1981): 45-81. |