Agnus Dei, c. 1635–1640, Museo del Prado

Person of Christ – a Dogmatic, Scriptural and Historical Study by W.B. Pope

Today’s free book is a detailed study of the development of the doctrine of the person of Christ by William Burt Pope, the Fernley lecture of 1871. This title is in the public domain. William Burt Pope [1822-1903], The Person of Christ: Dogmatic, Scriptural, Historical: the Fernley lecture of 1871: with two additional essays on…


Grace by Lewis Sperry Chafer

Today’s free book is Lewis Sperry Chafer’s exposition of the doctrine of salvation. This title is in the public domain because its copyright was never renewed in the United States. My thanks to Book Aid for making a copy of this book available for digitisation. Lewis Sperry Chafer [1871-1952], Grace, 7th edn. Chicago, IL: Moody…

Crucixion of Jesus Christ

Theories of the Atonement by Thomas Hywel Hughes

Thomas Hywel Hughes was Principal of the Scottish Congregational College in Edinburgh. His book on the theories of the atonement is particularly helpful because he not only provides the most extensive list of theories atonement that I have come across, but also gives examples of the theologians who expounded them. This public domain title was…