Agnus Dei, c. 1635–1640, Museo del Prado
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Person of Christ – a Dogmatic, Scriptural and Historical Study by W.B. Pope

Today’s free book is a detailed study of the development of the doctrine of the person of Christ by William Burt Pope, the Fernley lecture of 1871. This title is in the public domain.

William Burt Pope [1822-1903], The Person of Christ: Dogmatic, Scriptural, Historical: the Fernley lecture of 1871: with two additional essays on the biblical and ecclesiastical development of the doctrine, and illustrative notes, 2nd edn. London: Wesleyan Conference Office, 1875. Hbk. pp.302. [Click here to visit the download page for this title]

Table of Contents

  • Preface to the Second Edition
  • The Person of Christ
    1. The Constitution of the Incarnate Person
      1. The Personality only Divine
      2. The Divine-human PERSON
      3. The Mystery of Glory of Christian Faith
    2. Relation of the Indivisible Person to Christian Theology
      1. Revelation
      2. Mediation
      3. Real Presence
      4. Personal Religion
      5. The Divine-human Head of the Church
  • Scriptural Development
    1. The Old Testament
      1. The Future SEED as Human
      2. The Angel of Jehovah as Divine
      3. Divine-human in Later Old Testament
      4. The Divine-human Person subordinate as Mediator
      5. Measure of Old Testament Revelation
    2. Our Lord’s Testimony
      1. While on Earth – His Names
      2. Testimony from Heaven
    3. Apostolic Testimony
      1. The Evangelists
      2. The Apostles
  • History of the Dogma
    1. Anti-Nicene Age
    2. The Christological Controversies
    3. Later Reproductions of Error
    4. Medieval Speculation
    5. The Reformation
    6. Modern Arianism and Socinianism
    7. Modern Development
  • Notes
    1. Nature and Person
    2. The Son Incarnate
    3. Reasons for the Incarnation of the Soul
    4. The Son of God and the Son of Man
    5. Impersonality of the Human Nature
    6. St. John’s lncarnation-Phrases
    7. Apollinarianism in Modern Theology
    8. “The Exinanition”
    9. Depotentiation
    10. The Unchanged Manhood
    11. Biblical Theology
    12. Revelation
    13. Latitudinarian Theories
    14. Modern Theopaschitism
    15. The Sinlessness of Jesus
    16. The Sinlessness of Jesus
    17. The Exinanition Incomprehensible
    18. The Sacramental Presence
    19. The Real Presence by the Spirit
    20. The Controversy on the Eternal Sonship
    21. The Angel of Jehovah
    22. The Son of God in the Gospels
    23. The Son of Man in the Gospels
    24. St. Paul’s Testimony to the Two Natures

Main image: Agnus Dei, c. 1635–1640, Museo del Prado. Image source: Wikipedia.

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