
What ‘Born Again’ Really Means by A.T.B. McGowan

Today’s free book is a short study in the doctrine of salvation, which is often used as a textbook in theological colleges. It is now out of print and becoming increasing difficult to find, so Professor McGowan has given me permission to digitise and host the book in order to make it available to students.

A.T.B. McGowan, The New Birth. What Born Again Really Means. Fearn: Christian Focus Publications Ltd., 1996. Pbk. ISBN: 18579225417. pp.189. [Clicke here to visit the download page for this title]

Table of Contents

  • Foreword by John Blanchard
  • Preface
  1. The Beginning
  2. The Need for Regeneration
  3. The Nature of Regeneration
  4. Right with God
  5. The Doctrine of Adoption
  6. The Atonement
  7. Christian Holiness
  8. Changed Lives
  9. Mortification
  10. Spiritual Warfare
  11. Perfectionism
  12. Without Holiness No-One Will See the Lord
  13. Regeneration: Where Does it Fit in?
  14. How Does it Happen?
  15. Our Response
  • Study Questions

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