Pre-Tribulation Rapture / Dispensational

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Article in Journal or Book Roy L. Aldrich, "An Outline Study on Dispensationalism," Bibliotheca Sacra 118: 470 (1961): 133-141.
Article in Journal or Book Roy L. Aldrich, "A New Look at Dispensationalism," Bibliotheca Sacra 120: 477 (1963): 42-49.
On-line Resource Roy E. Beacham, "Progressive Dispensationalism: An Overview and Personal Analysis," Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal 9 (Fall 2004): 5-32.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book Craig A. Blaising, "Developing Dispensationalism: Part 1: Doctrinal Development in Orthodoxy," Bibliotheca Sacra 145: 578 (1988): 133-140.
Article in Journal or Book Craig A. Blaising, "Developing Dispensationalism: Part 2: Development of Dispensationalism by Contemporary Dispensationalists," Bibliotheca Sacra 145: 579 (1988): 254-280.
On-line Resource Darrell L. Bock, "Why I Am A Dispensationalist With A Small 'd'," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, 41.3 (1998): 383-396.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Wayne A. Brindle, "Biblical evidence for the imminence of the rapture," Bibliotheca Sacra 158 no 630 (April-June 2001): 138-151.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book Philip A.F. Church, "Dispensational Christian Zionism: A Strange But Acceptable Aberration or a Deviant Heresy?" Westminster Theological Journal 71.2 (Fall 2009): 375-398.
Article in Journal or Book Jack S. Deere, "Premillennialism in Revelation 20:4-6," Bibliotheca Sacra 135: 537 (1978): 58-73.
Article in Journal or Book Timothy J. Demy and Thomas D. Ice, "The Rapture and an Early Medieval Citation," Bibliotheca Sacra 152: 607 (1995): 306-317.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Alistair W. Donaldson, The Last Days of DispensationalismAlistair W. Donaldson, The Last Days of Dispensationalism. A Scholarly Critique of Popular Misconceptions. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2010. ISBN: 9781498272544. pp.184. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]
Article in Journal or Book Charles H. Dyer, "The Identity of Babylon in Revelation 17-18: Part 1," Bibliotheca Sacra 144: 575 (1987): 305-316.
Article in Journal or Book Charles H. Dyer, "The Identity of Babylon in Revelation 17-18: Part 2," Bibliotheca Sacra 144: 576 (1987): 433-449.
On-line Resource E. Schuyler English, Rethinking the Rapture. Travelers Rest, SC.: Southern Bible Book House, 1954. (Out of Print).
On-line Resource Keith H. Essex, "The Rapture in the Book of Revelation," The Master's Seminary Journal 13.2 (Fall 2002): 215-239.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book Charles L. Feinberg, "God's Message to Man through the Prophets," Grace Journal 5.2 (1964): 3-9.
Article in Journal or Book Gregory H. Harris, "Satan's Deceptive Miracles in the Tribulation," Bibliotheca Sacra 156: 623 (1999): 308-324.
Article in Journal or Book Gregory H. Harris, "The Wound of the Beast in the Tribulation," Bibliotheca Sacra 156: 624 (1999): 459-468.
Article in Journal or Book George M. Harton, "An Interpretation of Daniel 11:36-45," Grace Theological Journal 4.2 (1983): 205-231.
Article in Journal or Book Herman A. Hoyt, "The New Testament Doctrine concerning the Antichrist," Grace Journal 4.2 (1963): 25-34.
Book or monograph Herman A. Hoyt, The End Times. Chicago: Moody Press, 1969. ISBN: 0802423485.
Article in Journal or Book Jerry M. Hullinger, "The Problem of Animal Sacrifices in Ezekiel 40-48," Bibliotheca Sacra 152: 607 (1995): 279-289.
Article in Journal or Book Thomas D. Ice, "Why the Doctrine of the Pretribulational Rapture Did Not Begin with Margaret Macdonald," Bibliotheca Sacra 147: 586 (1990): 155-168.
On-line Resource Jeffrey Khoo, "Dispensational Premillennialism In Reformed Theology: The Contribution Of J. O. Buswell To The Millennial Debate," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 44.4 (2001): 697-717.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Nickolas Kurtaneck, "Excellencies of Dispensationalism," Grace Journal 3.2 (Spring 1962): 3-11.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Arthur Lewis, The Dark Side of the MillenniumArthur Lewis, The Dark Side of the Millennium. An Achilles' Heel for Dispensational Premillennialism. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2015. ISBN: 9781725232013. pp.92. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]
Article in Journal or Book Gordon R. Lewis, "Theological Antecedents of Pretribulationism," Bibliotheca Sacra 125: 498 (1968): 129-138.
Article in Journal or Book Gordon R. Lewis, "Biblical Evidence for Pretribulationism," Bibliotheca Sacra 125: 499 (1968): 216-226.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Lightner: The Last Days HandbookRobert P. Lightner, The Last Days Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Different Views of Prophecy, revised. Nashville, Thomas Nelson, 1997. ISBN: 0785212507. pp.256. e-book: Eugene, OR; Wipf & Stock, 2005. ISBN: 9781725213296. pp.252. A very readable survey of the major views with a good bibliography for further reading. An excellent starting point for anyone beginning a study of the end times teachings. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]
Article in Journal or Book David J. MacLeod, "Walter Scott, A Link in Dispensationalism between Darby and Scofield?" Bibliotheca Sacra 153: 610 (1996): 155-176.
Article in Journal or Book David J. MacLeod, "Heaven's Hallelujah Chorus: An Introduction to the Seven 'Last Things' (Rev. 19:1-10)," Bibliotheca Sacra 156: 621 (1999): 72-84.
Article in Journal or Book David J. MacLeod, "The Second 'Last Thing': The Defeat of Antichrist (Rev. 19:17-21)," Bibliotheca Sacra 156: 623 (1999): 325-335.
Article in Journal or Book David J. MacLeod, "The First 'Last Thing': The Second Coming of Christ (Rev. 19:11-16)," Bibliotheca Sacra 156: 622 (1999): 203-220.
Article in Journal or Book David J. MacLeod, "The Third 'Last Thing': The Binding of Satan (Rev. 20:1-3)," Bibliotheca Sacra 156: 624 (1999): 469-484.
Article in Journal or Book David J. MacLeod, "The Fourth 'Last Thing': The Millennial Kingdom of Christ (Rev. 20:4-6)," Bibliotheca Sacra 157: 625 (2000): 44-67.
Article in Journal or Book David J. MacLeod, "The Fifth 'Last Thing': The Release of Satan and Man?s Final Rebellion (Rev. 20:7-10)," Bibliotheca Sacra 157: 626 (2000): 200-214.
Article in Journal or Book David J. MacLeod, "The Sixth 'Last Thing': The Last Judgment and the End of the World (Rev. 20:11-15)," Bibliotheca Sacra 157: 627 (2000): 315-330.
Article in Journal or Book David J. MacLeod, "The Seventh 'Last Thing': The New Heaven and the New Earth (Rev. 21:1-8)," Bibliotheca Sacra 157: 628 (2000): 439-451.
Article in Journal or Book Alva J. McClain, "A Premillennial Philosophy of History," Bibliotheca Sacra 113: 450 (1956): 111-116.
On-line Resource Richard L. Mayhue, "Why a Pretribulational Rapture?" The Master's Seminary Journal 13.2 (Fall 2002): 241-253.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book Gary L. Nebekera, "The Theme of Hope in Dispensationalism," Bibliotheca Sacra 158: 629 (2001): 3-20.
On-line Resource Stephen J. Nichols, "The Dispensational View of the Davidic Kingdom: A Response to Progressive Dispensationalism," The Master's Seminary Journal 7.2 (Fall 1996): 213-239. View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book Larry D. Pettegrew, "The Rapture Debate at the Niagara Bible Conference," Bibliotheca Sacra 157: 627 (2000): 331-347.
On-line Resource Larry D. Pettegrew, "Interpretive Flaws in the Olivet Discourse,"The Master's Seminary Journal 13.2 (Fall 2002): 173-190.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book Robert A. Pyne, "Antinomianism and Dispensationalism," Bibliotheca Sacra 153: 610 (1996): 141-154.
Article in Journal or Book Ramesh P. Richard, "Premillennialism as a Philosophy of History. Part 1: Non-Christian Interpretations of History," Bibliotheca Sacra 138: 549 (1981): 13-21.
Article in Journal or Book Ramesh P. Richard, "Premillennialism as a Philosophy of History. Part 2: Elements of a Biblical Philosophy of History," Bibliotheca Sacra 138: 550 (1981): 108-117.
Article in Journal or Book Ramesh P. Richard, "Premillennialism as a Philosophy of History. Part 3: The Premillennial Interpretation of History," Bibliotheca Sacra 138: 551 (1981): 203-211.
Article in Journal or Book Ramesh P. Richard, "Soteriological Inclusivism and Dispensationalism," Bibliotheca Sacra 151: 601 (1994): 85-108.
Article in Journal or Book Charles C. Ryrie, "The Necessity of Dispensationalism," Bibliotheca Sacra 114: 455 (1957): 243-254.
Article in Journal or Book Renald E. Showers, "New Testament Chronology and the Decree of Daniel 9," Grace Journal 11.1 (1970): 30-40.
On-line Resource James F. Stitzinger, "The Rapture in Twenty Centuries of Biblical Interpretation," The Master's Seminary Journal 13.2 (Fall 2002): 149-171.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Dennis M. Swanson, "Bibliography of Works on Pretribulationalism," The Master's Seminary Journal 13.2 (Fall 2002): 255-263.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Robert L. Thomas, "The Hermeneutics of Progressive Dispensationalism," The Master's Seminary Journal 6.1 (Spring 1995): 79-98.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Robert L. Thomas, "Imminence in the NT, Especially Paul's Thessalonian Epistles," The Master's Seminary Journal 13.2 (Fall 2002): 191-214.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Robert L. Thomas, "Dispensationalism’s Role in the Public Square," The Master's Seminary Journal 20.1 (Spring 2009): 19-40.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book Jeffrey L. Townsend, "The Rapture in Revelation 3:10," Bibliotheca Sacra 137: 547 (1980): 252-263.
Article in Journal or Book David L. Turner , "'Dubious Evangelicalism'? A Response to John Gerstner's Critique of Dispensationalism," Grace Theological Journal 12.2 (1991): 263-277.
Book or monograph William Edwy Vine [1873–1949], The Second Coming and the Last DaysWilliam Edwy Vine [1873–1949], The Second Coming and the Last Days. Studies in Eschatology. ISBN: 978-1-912149-55-1. [e-book version]
Book or monograph John F. Walvoord, The Rapture Question, revised & expanded edn. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1979. ISBN: 0310341515.
Article in Journal or Book John F.Walvoord, "Does the Church Fulfill Israel's Program: Part 1," Bibliotheca Sacra 137: 545 (1980): 17-31.
Article in Journal or Book John F.Walvoord, "Does the Church Fulfill Israel's Program: Part 2," Bibliotheca Sacra 137: 546 (1980): 118-123.
Article in Journal or Book John F.Walvoord, "Does the Church Fulfill Israel's Program: Part 3," Bibliotheca Sacra 137: 547 (1980): 212-221.
Article in Journal or Book John F.Walvoord, "The Theological Context of Premillennialism," Bibliotheca Sacra 150: 600 (1993): 387-396.
Article in Journal or Book John F.Walvoord, "Is a Posttribulational Rapture Revealed in Matthew 24?" Grace Theological Journal 6.2 (1985): 257-266.
Article in Journal or Book John F.Walvoord, "Reflections on Dispensationalism," Bibliotheca Sacra 158: 630 (2001): 131-137.
Article in Journal or Book John C. Whitcomb, "Daniel's Great Seventy-Weeks Prophecy: An Exegetical Insight," Grace Theological Journal 2.2 (1981): 259-264.
Article in Journal or Book John C. Whitcomb, "Christ's Atonement and Animal Sacrifices in Israel," Grace Theological Journal 6.2 (1985): 202-217.
Article in Journal or Book David G. Winfrey, "The Great Tribulation: Kept 'Out Of' Or 'Through'," Grace Theological Journal 3.1 (1982): 3-18.
On-line Resource Leon J. Wood, Is the Rapture Next? Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1956.

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