1961 | |
Carl E. Armerding & W. Ward Gasque, “Some significant books of 1971: I. The Bible as a whole,” Christianity Today 16 (18th Feb. 1972): 8-12. | |
1973 | |
Carl E. Armerding & W. Ward Gasque, “Significant books of 1972: the Bible as a whole,” Christianity Today 17 (2nd Mar, 1973): 4-7. | |
1974 | |
Carl E. Armerding & W. Ward Gasque, “Significant books of 1973: the Bible as a whole,” Christianity Today 18 (1st Mar. 1974): 30- | |
Carl E. Armerding, “Significant books of 1973: the Old Testament,” Christianity Today 18 (1st Mar. 1974): pp.45-46. | |
1975 | |
Carl E. Armerding & W. Ward Gasque, “Significant books of 1974: the Bible as a whole,” Christianity Today 19 (14th Mar. 1975): 7-8. | |
Carl E. Armerding, “Significant books of '74: the Old Testament,” Christianity Today 19 (14th Mar. 1975): 10-11. | |
Carl E. Armerding, “Were David's sons really priests,” Current Issues in Biblical and Patristic Interpretation. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Pub Co, 1975. pp.75-86. | |
1976 | |
Carl E. Armerding & W. Ward Gasque, “Significant books of 1975: The Bible as a whole,” Christianity Today 20 (12th Mar. 1976): 9-11. |
Carl E. Armerding, “Significant books of '75 : The Old Testament,” Christianity Today 20 (12th Mar. 1976): 11-15. | |
1977 | |
Carl E. Armerding & W. Ward Gasque, “Key books of '76: both Testaments,” Christianity Today 21 (18th Mar. 1977): 12-13. | |
Carl E. Armerding, “Key books of '76: the Old Testament,” Christianity Today 21 (18th Mar. 1977): 17-19. | |
Carl E. Armerding, “Exodus and Liberation”, C E. Armerding, ed., Evangelicals and Liberation, Presbyterian and Reformed, 1977. | |
Carl E. Armerding & W.W.Gasque, eds., Dreams, Visions and Oracles. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1977. Reissued as Handbook of Biblical Prophecy, 1980. 3rd ed, 1989 (Hendrikson Publishers). | |
Carl E. Armerding, “Old Testament Prophecy”, C.E. Armerding & W.W. Gasque, eds., Dreams, Visions and Oracles, Baker, 1977. | |
1979 | |
Carl E. Armerding & W. Ward Gasque, “Key books of '78 : both Testaments,” Christianity Today 23 (2nd Mar. 1979): 20-31. | |
Carl E. Armerding, “Judges”, in The New Layman’s Bible Commentary, revised. G.C.D. Howley, gen. ed., Paternoster and Zondervan, 1979. Reissued as The International Bible Commentary, F.F. Bruce, ed. |
Carl Armerding, "Structural Analysis," Themelios 4.3 (April 1979): 96-104. pdf | |
1980 | |
Carl E. Armerding, “Whole Bible book survey 1979,” Christianity Today 24 (7th Mar. 1980): 26-27. | |
Carl E. Armerding, “The Old Testament,” Christianity Today 24 (7th Mar. 1980): 28-31. | |
1983 | |
Carl E. Armerding, The Old Testament and Criticism. Eerdmans. (Translated into various languages). Reprinted (1998) by Paternoster in Contemporary Christian Classics series. | |
1985 | |
Carl E. Armerding, “Obadiah, Nahum, Habakkuk,” F.E. Gaebelein, editor, Expositors` Bible Commentary, Vol. 7. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1985. (For revision see 2017). |
1987 | |
Carl E. Armerding, “Meaning of Israel in Evangelical Thought,” Marc C Tannenbaum, et al, eds. Evangelicals and Jews in Conversation. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1987. | |
1991 | |
Carl E. Armerding, “Charismatic Theology of Judges,“ M. Bockmuehl & H Burkhardt, eds., Gott Lieben, und Seine Gebote Halten; in Memoriam Klaus Bockmuehl, Giessen/Basel: Brunnen Verlag, 1991. | |
1992 | |
Carl E. Armerding, “Images for Today: Word from the Prophets’, R,L Hubbard Jr., R.K. Johnston & R.P. Meye, eds., Studies in Old Testament Theology; Historical and Contemporary Images of God and God’s People, Festschrift D.A. Hubbard. Dallas: Word, 1992. | |
Carl E. Armerding, “When the Spirit Came Mightily: The Spirituality of Israel’s Charismatic Leaders,” J.I. Packer & L. Wilkinson, eds., Alive To God: Studies in Spirituality (presented to J.M.Houston). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1992. | |
Carl E. Armerding, “Confessions of a Failed Archaeologist,” Navy Chaplains Bulletin 1992 reprinted in Crux. | |
1993 |
Carl E. Armerding, “Spiritual Gifting and the Leadership of the Laity,” Context, 1993. | |
1994 | |
Carl E. Armerding, “Faith and Method in Old Testament Study: Story Exegesis,” P.E. Satterthwaite & D.F. Wright, eds., Pathway into the Holy Scripture. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1994. pp.31-49. | |
1996 | |
Carl E. Armerding, “Reflections of a Canadian Theological Educator - a Personal History,” Kevin Quast and John Vissers, eds. Studies in Canadian Evangelical Renewal; Essays in Honour of Ian S. Rennie. Markham, Ontario: FT Publications, 1996. | |
1997 |
Carl E. Armerding, “The Child at Risk: A Biblical View,” Transformation 14 (Apr.-June 1997): 25-27, 30-31. | |
2000 | |
Carl E. Armerding, “Judges 8-13,” Encounter with God. Milton Keynes: Scripture Union, 2000. | |
Carl E. Armerding, “Stewardship of the Land: a Christian Mandate’ P. Walker & P. Johnston, eds. The Land of Promise in the Purposes of God. Leicester: Inter-varsity Press, 2000. | |
Carl E. Armerding, “Judges,” in New Dictionary of Biblical Theology. Leicester, Downers Grove, IL: Inter-varsity Press, 2000, 2020. ISBN: 9781789740400. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link] | |
2001 | |
Carl E. Armerding, “Borrowing and lending: is there anything Christian about either?” Transformation 18.3 (July 2001): 146-154. | |
Carl E. Armerding, A Guide to Biblical Prophecy. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2001. ISBN: 9781725204737. pp.288. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link] | |
2003 |
Carl E. Armerding, “Feasts,” in Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch, Leicester, Inter-varsity Press, 2003. | |
2004 | |
Carl E. Armerding, “Did I Ever Ask for a House of Cedar?; the contribution of 2 Samuel 7 and 1 Chronicles 17 to the theology of the temple,” T.D. Alexander & S. Gathercole, eds., Heaven on Earth; the temple in Biblical Theology, eds. Carlisle: Paternoster, 2004. | |
2017 | |
Richard D. Patterson, Carl E. Armerding & Eugene H. Merrill,, “Habakkuk, Obadiah, Nahum," The Expositors Bible Commentary, revised. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2017. ISBN: 9780310531951. pp.96. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link] | |
John H. Walton, Carl E. Armerding, Larry L. Walker, "Jonah, Nahum, Habukkuk, Zephaniah," The Expositors Bible Commentary, revised. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2017. ISBN: 9780310531968. pp.176. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link] | |
Carl E. Armerding, “Notes on ‘Obadiah, Judges,” in New Living Study Bible, Tyndale House Publishers, forthcoming. |