1957 |
Klaas Runia, Reformed Dogmatics. Its Essence and Method (inaugural lecture). Geelong, Australia: Reformed Theological College, 1957. pp. 30.
Klaas Runia, A Practical Guide to the Art of Studying. Geelong, Australia: Reformed Theological College, 1957. pp. 30. |
1958 |
Klaas Runia, "Karl Barth on Man in his Time," Reformed Theological Review 16.1 (1958): 1–10.. |
1959 |
Klaas Runia, ‘The Authority of the Confession, Reformed Theological Review 18.1 (1959): 6–20.
Klaas Runia, "The Reformation in Holland," Inter-Varsity Papers, no. 8 (1959): 7–14. |
1960 |
Klaas Runia, "Barth’s View on the Dogma," Inter-Varsity Papers, no. 15 (1960): 1–12.
Klaas Runia, "Guilt in the Bible," Inter-Varsity Papers, no. 16 (1960): 9–20. |
Klaas Runia, "Calvinism in Australia," Free University Quarterly, 7.3 (1960): 1–10. |
Klaas Runia, "The Meaning of Guilt," The Evangelical Alliance (Vic., Australia). |
Klaas Runia, "Some Aspects of the Doctrine of Scripture," Tyndale Fellowship Paper (1960): 1–16. |
Klaas Runia, "The Status of Calvinism in Australia and Its Prospects," Torch and Trumpet (USA) 9.9 (1960). |
Klaas Runia, "Infant Baptism and Historical Faith," Give yourself to Reading (Australia). 2 (1960): 3. |
1961 |
Klaas Runia, "Recent Developments in Baptist Theology," Reformed Theological Review 20.1( 1961): 12–23.
Klaas Runia, "Recent Developments in Baptist Theology," Reformed Theological Review 20.2 1961): 47–49. |
Klaas Runia, "The Confession of the Church and the Ecumenical Movement," Give yourself to Reading 2 (1961): 3 & 4. |
1962 |
Klaas Runia, Karl Barth's Doctrine of Holy Scripture. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1962. E-book: Eugne, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2018. ISBN: 9781725240643. pp.238. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link] |
Klaas Runia, The Importance of the Reformation for the Discussion between the Churches. Geelong, Australia: Reformed Theological College, 1962. pp. 21 |
Klaas Runia, "The Plan of Salvation," Vox Reformata (Geelong, Australia) 1 (1962): 24–39.
Klaas Runia, "Barth’s View of the Bible as the Word of God," The Reformed Journal (USA) 12.4 (1962) 14–18. |
Klaas Runia, "Theological Training Today," Journal of Christian Education (Australia) 5.2 (1962): 93–98. |
Klaas Runia, "The Doctrine of Atonement: Are we Heading Towards a Consensus?" Reformed Theological Review 21.2 (1962) 45–56. |
Klaas Runia, "Baptism and the Word," Tyndale Fellowship Papers (1962) 1–20. |
1963 |
Klaas Runia, I believe in God ... Current questions and the Creeds. London: Tyndale Press, 1963. pp.77. Second edition, 1968. Nederlandse vertaling: Religie zonder God, 1964, Kok, Kampen. pp. 135. |
Klaas Runia, "Dangerous Trends in Modern Theology," The Australian Theological Review (Lutheran) 34.4 (1963): 111–123.
Klaas Runia, "The Unity of the Church according to the New Testament," Reformed Theological Review 22.1 (1963): 77–89. |
Klaas Runia, "Paul’s Doctrine of the Church," Theological Review (Australia) 1 (1963): 1. |
1964 |
Klaas Runia, The Interpretation of the Old Testament by the New. Geelong, Australia: Reformed Theological College, 1964. pp.14.
Klaas Runia, The Developing Pattern of Neo-Liberalism. Melbourne: Bible Union of Australia, 1964. pp. 22. |
Klaas Runia, "The Importance of the Reformation for the Discussion between the Churches," Vox Reformata 3 (1964): 3–16.
Klaas Runia, "Leaders of Theological Thought: Dietrich Bonhoeffer," Themelios 2.1 (1964): 15-22. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
Klaas Runia, "Dangerous Trends in Modern Theology," Concordia Theological Monthly (Lutheran, USA), XXV, 6 and 8. Idem, in Faith and Life (Hong Kong, in Chinese). |
Klaas Runia, "The New Liberalism," HIS (Intervarsity, USA), 2 articles in May and June. |
1965 |
Klaas Runia, Dogmatics and Ethics. Teachers Training Course. Geelong, Australia: Reformed Theological College, 1965. pp. 29. |
Klaas Runia, "The Papal Claim of Petrine Succession," Reformed Theological Review 24.1 (1965): 13–22.
Klaas Runia, "Karl Barth and his Theology: An Introduction," Themelios 2.2 (1965): 30-36. |
Klaas Runia, "Karl Barth and his Theology: An introduction II," Themelios 3.1 (1965): 29-38. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
Klaas Runia, "The Church of Rome and the Reformation Churches," Christianity Today USA) 9 (1965) & 10 (1965) = The Reformation Review (USA)12 (1965): 193–211. |
Klaas Runia, "Speaking in Tongues in the New Testament," Vox Reformata 4 (1965): 10–29.
Klaas Runia, "Speaking in Tongues Today," Vox Reformata 4 (1965): 38–46. |
Klaas Runia, "The Interpretation of the Old Testament by the New," Vox Reformata 5 (1965): 1–12. |
Klaas Runia, "Dietrich Bonhoeffer: The Man and his Beliefs," Eternity (USA) ( December 1965). |
Klaas Runia, "Prof. Zuidema, the Reformed Churches and the WCC," Torch and Trumpet 15 (1965): 5. |
Klaas Runia, "Evangelicals and the WCC," Torch and Trumpet 15 (1965): 7. |
Klaas Runia, "Ecumenicity and Separation," Torch and Trumpet 15 (1965): 8. |
Klaas Runia, "Renewed Interest in the Doctrine of God," Critic (Otago, New Zealand) 10/6.(1965). |
1966 |
Klaas Runia, Discussion around the Sunday (together with Rev. J.W. Deenick). Geelong, Australia: Reformed Theological College, 1966. pp. 54. |
Klaas Runia, "The Resurrection and History," Reformed Theological Review 25.2 (1966): 41–51.
Klaas Runia, "Some Features of Contemporary Liberal Theology," International Reformed Bulletin (USA) Nos. 24/25 (1966): 1–12. |
Klaas Runia, "The Christology of Paul Tillich," Vox Reformata No. 7 (1966): 1–33. |
Klaas Runia, "The Importance of the Reformation," Torch and Trumpet 16 (1966): 5. |
1967 |
Klaas Runia, Situation Ethics in the Light of Scripture. Geelong, Australia: Reformed Theological College, 1967. pp.20.
Klaas Runia, Where Stands the Bible Today? New Zealand: Westminster Fellowship, 1967. pp. 24. |
Klaas Runia, "Karl Barth's View of Scripture," Themelios 4.1 (1967): 13-23. pdf [Reproduced by kind permission of the copyright holder] |
Klaas Runia, "The Interpretation of the Old Testament by the New Testament," TSF Bulletin 49 (Autumn 1967): 9-18. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
Klaas Runia, "The Third day He Rose again’, Christianity Today 11 (1967): 12.
Klaas Runia, "When is Separation a Christian Duty?"Christianity Today 11 nos 19 & 20 (1967). |
Klaas Runia, "Situation Ethics in the Light of Scripture," Vox Reformata No. 9 (1967): 1–19. |
Klaas Runia, "Some Reflections on the Issue of Separation," Torch and Trumpet 17 Nos 5, 6, 7 (1967).. |
Klaas Runia, "Developing Patterns of Neo-Liberalism," The Evangelical Magazine (England), three articles. |
Klaas Runia, "'New' Views of Scripture," Torch and Trumpet 17 (1967): 8. |
Klaas Runia, "Faith amidst Theological Uncertainty," Farrago (Melbourne) ( June 22 1967). |
Klaas Runia, "New Morality and the Bible," The Australian Church Record ( November 2 & 16.1967). |
Klaas Runia, "The Need for a New Reformation," The Banner of Truth (England), No. 62 (1967). |
Klaas Runia, "When is Separation a Necessary Duty?" The Reaper ( November 1967).. |
1968 |
Klaas Runia, Reformation Today. London : Banner of Truth Trust, 1968. ISBN: 0851510035. pp.147. |
Klaas Runia, "Dr Herman Sasse, 'In Statu Confessionis'," Reformed Theological Review 27.1 (1968): 1–10.
Klaas Runia, "Presbyterianism and Episcopalianism," Torch and Trumpet 18 Nos 8, 9, 10 (1968).
Klaas Runia, "The Modern Debate around the Bible," Christianity Today 12 Nos. 20, 21, 22 (1968). |
Klaas Runia, "The Word of God and the Words of Scripture," Vox Reformata No. 11 (1968): 1–8. |
1969 |
Klaas Runia, "The Biblical View of the State," International Reformed Bulletin No. 39( 1969): 2–12.
Klaas Runia, "Contemporary Views of the Bible: A Conservative Appraisal," Interchange (Australia) 1 (1969): 3. |
Klaas Runia, "The Authority of Scripture," Calvin Theological Journal (USA) 4.2 (1969): 165–194. |
Klaas Runia, "Karl Barth, 1886–1968. His place in History," Christianity Today 14 (1969): 19. |
Klaas Runia, "The Doctrine of the Trinity," Vox Reformata No. 13 (1969): 1–18. |
Klaas Runia, "Here lies Karl Barth (1886–1968)," Intervarsity (Australia) (Autumn): 7–9. |
Klaas Runia, "Why all the Fuss over the Trinity," Intervarsity ( Winter/Spring): 21–23. |
1970 |
Klaas Runia, A Christian View of Sex and Marriage. Reformed Theological College. Geelong, Australia: Reformed Theological College, 1970. pp.31. . |
Klaas Runia with Rev. M.P. Geluk, A Summary of the Reformed Faith, Reformed Theological College, Geelong, 1970. pp.47. |
Klaas Runia, "Bonhoeffer’s non-religious Interpretation of the Christian Faith," Interchange 2.3 (1970): 166–175.
Klaas Runia, "The Gifts of the Spirit," Reformed Theological Review 29.3 (1970): 82–94. |
Klaas Runia, "Evangelical Responsibility in a Secularized World," Christianity Today 14 (1970): 19. |
Klaas Runia, "What do Evangelicals believe about the Bible?," Christianity Today 14 Nos 5 & 6. |
Klaas Runia, "Authority and Scripture," Decision (USA) 2 Articles in July and August (1970). |
Klaas Runia, "The Need for a New Reformation’, The Reaper (May 1970): 127–132. |
Klaas Runia, "Is it still worthwhile to be Reformed?’ Torch and Trumpet XX, 1970, 5, 6, 7. |
1971 |
Klaas Runia, The Abortion Debate. Geelong, Australia: Reformed Theological College, 1971. pp.32.
Klaas Runia, The Place of the Confession in a Reformed Church. Reformed Theological College, Geelong, 1971. pp.16. |
Klaas Runia, "The Challenge of Bonhoeffer," The Reformed Journal Nos. 11, 12 (1971)..
Klaas Runia, "The Place of the Confession in a Reformed Church," Vox Reformata No. 16 (1971): 1–16. |
Klaas Runia, "Can Evangelicals and Catholics go together?," The Evangelical Magazine No. 65 (171): 1–11. |
Klaas Runia, "Karl Barth’s View of Scripture," Presbyterian Theological Review (Korea) (1971): 37–51 (in Korean). |
Klaas Runia, "Abortion in Perspective," Eternity (February 1971). (‘Abortion Issue’). |
Klaas Runia, "The Third Work of the Spirit," Eternity ( December 1971)..
Klaas Runia, "The Abortion Debate," The Evangelical Magazine (1971). Three articles. |
1972 |
Klaas Runia, "The Believer’s Missionary Task according to the New Testament Epistles," Tyndale Fellowship Paper.
Klaas Runia, "Bonhoeffer and His Political Stance, " Themelios 8.1 (1972): 3-9. pdf [Reproduced by kind permission of the copyright holder] |
Klaas Runia, "The Church’s Mission Today: the Unity of its Task," International Reformed Bulletin (Fall 1972) 2–14. |
1974 |
Klaas Runia, "Kingdom and Society," Theological Bulletin RES 4.4 (1974): 1–16.
Klaas Runia, "A New Christology Challenges the Church," Christianity Today 18.7 (1974). |
Klaas Runia, "Conceived by the Holy Spirit, Born of the Virgin Mary," Christianity Today 14.5 (1974). |
1975 |
Klaas Runia, "The WCC as seen by the Reformed Ecumenical Synod," The Ecumenical Review 27.4 (1975): 394–401. |
1977 |
Klaas Runia, “The Holy Spirit and the Church,” Evangelical Review of Theology 9.4 (Oct. 1985): 304-322. Reprinted from The Holy Spirit to Earth, 1977. |
1978 |
Klaas Runia, "What is Preaching According to the New
Testament," Tyndale Bulletin 29 (1978): 3-48. pdf |
1979 |
Klaas Runia, Karl Barth and the Word of God. Leicester: RTSF Monographs, 1979. Pbk. pp.43. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
Klaas Runia, “Barth’s View of Preaching," Vox Reformata No. 33 1979). |
1980 |
Klaas Runia, The Present Christological Debate. Tyndale Paper 25.4. Melbourne: Tyndale Fellowship, 1980. |
Klaas Runia, “The Present-day Christological Debate," Tyndale Fellowship Paper (Melbourne).
Klaas Runia, “The World Council of Churches and the interreligious dialogue," Calvin Theological Journal 15.1 (1980): 27–46. |
1982 |
Klaas Runia, "Karl Barth's Christology," Harold H. Rowdon, ed., Christ the Lord. Studies in Christology Presented to Donald Guthrie. Leicester: IVP, 1982. Hbk. pp.299-310. |
Klaas Runia, "On whose Behalf and to whom does a Synod Speak?" Christian Renewal (Canada) ( October 1982): 11.
Klaas Runia, "An unusual Baptism in Rotterdam," Christian Renewal (November 1982): 8. |
Klaas Runia, "The naked Truth about Christmas," Christian Renewal (December 1982): 6. |
1983 |
Klaas Runia, The Sermon Under Attack. Exeter: Paternoster Press, 1983. Pbk. ISBN: 0853643415. pp.108. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
Klaas Runia, "Being Church in the German Democratic Republic," Christian Renewal (24 January 1993)..
Klaas Runia, "Political Theology come full Circle," Christian Renewal (February 1993): 20. |
Klaas Runia, "Every third Christian is being Persecuted," Christian Renewal (March 1983): 23. |
Klaas Runia, "Christian Lifestyle," Christian Renewal (October 1983): 10. |
Klaas Runia, "Luther’s Depth must Inspire Calvin’s Scope," Christian Renewal (October 1983): 24. |
1984 |
Klaas Runia, The Present-Day Christological Debate. Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1984. pp.120. |
Klaas Runia, “Evangelicals and the Doctrine of the Church in European Church History,” Evangelical Review of Theology 8.1 (April. 1984): 40-57. |
‘The Hermeneutics of the Reformers’, Calvin Theological Journal, 19/2, 121–152; reprinted in In het krachtenveld van de geest, 11–39. |
1987 |
‘Experience in the Reformed Tradition’, Theological Forum RES, XV, April, 7–14; reprinted in In het krachtenveld van de geest, 75–84. |
1988 |
Klaas Runia & Elaine Botha, gen. eds., The Family in Crisis Today. Grand Rapids: RES, , 1988. pp. 153. |
1989 |
Klaas Runia, “The Renewal of the Church,” Evangelical Review of Theology 13.1 (Jan. 1989): |
Klaas Runia, “Some Crucial Issues in Biblical Interpretation," Calvin Theological Journal 24/2 (1989): 300–315. |
Klaas Runia, “The Renewal of the Church," Reformed Theological Review 48.1 (1989): 26–38. |
1990 |
Klaas Runia, “The Gospel and Religious Pluralism,” Evangelical Review of Theology 14.4 (Oct. 1990): |
Klaas Runia, “The Kingdom of God in the Bible and in History," Theological Forum RES 18.3 (1990): 15–25. |
1991 |
Klaas Runia, “The Future of Europe,” Evangel 9:2 (1991): 10. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
1992 |
Klaas Runia, "The Kingdom of God in the Bible, in History and Today," European Journal of Theology 1.1 (1992): 37-48. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
Klaas Runia, "Perplexing Cousins: The Dutch Churches," The Banner (May 31 1992)
8–9. |
Klaas Runia, "Perplexing Cousins: Where are the Dutch Church headed?’ The Banner (June 7 1992): 12–15. |
1993 |
Klaas Runia, "The Challenge of the Modern World to the Church," European Journal of Theology 2.2 (1993): 145-162. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] Reprinted in Evangelical Review of Theology 18.4 (Oct. 1994): 301-321. |
1994 |
Klaas Runia, "Eschatology and Hermeneutics," European Journal of
Theology 3.1 (1994): 17-34. pdf [Reproduced by kind permission of the copyright holder] |
Klaas Runia, "The Challenge of the Modern World to the Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 18/4 (1997): 301–321. |
Klaas Runia, "Why Christianity of all Religions," Theological Forum 24.3 & 4 (1994):
4–28. |
1997 |
Klaas Runia, “What is Evangelical Theology?” Evangelical Review of Theology 21.4 (Oct. 1997): 292-304. pdf |
Klaas Runia, “Eschatology in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century," Calvin Theological Journal 32/1 (1997): 105–135. |
Klaas Runia, "Why Christianity of all Religions?" European Journal
of Theology 6.1 (1997): 57-72. Reprinted in Klaas Runia, “Why Christianity of All Religions?” Evangelical Review of Theology 22.3 (July 1998): 244-263. pdf |
Klaas Runia, “What is Evangelical Theology?" Evangelical Review of Theology 21/4 (1997):. |
1998 |
Klaas Runia, "Why Christianity of all Religions?" European Journal of Theology 6.1 (1997): 57-72. Reprinted in Klaas Runia, “Why Christianity of All Religions?” Evangelical Review of Theology 22.3 (July 1998): 244-263. pdf |
2000 |
Klaas Runia, “Preaching and the work of the Holy Spirit. Part 1," Reformed Theological Review 59/3 (2000): 101–111. |
2001 |
Klaas Runia, “The Preaching of the Cross Today,” Evangelical Review of Theology 25.1 (Jan. 2001): |
Klaas Runia, The Present-day
Christological Debate. Leicester: IVP, 1984. Pbk. ISBN: 0851114059. pp.120.
Rerpinted: Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2001. ISBN: 9781725203815.
pp.120. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link] |
Klaas Runia, “Preaching and the Work of the Holy Spirit. Part 2," Reformed Theological Review 60/1 (2001): 31–42.
Klaas Runia, “The Preaching and the Cross Today," Evangelical Review of Theology 25/1 (2001): 53–64. |