1961 |
Yamauchi, "Cultic Clues in Canticles?" Bulletin of the Evangelical
Theological Society 4.3 (Nov. 1961): 80-88. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
1962 |
Yamauchi, "The Sapiential Septuagint," Bulletin of the Evangelical
Theological Society 5.4 (Fall 1962): 109-115. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
1964 |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, Mandaean Incantation Texts. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms,
1965. Thesis (Ph.D.), Brandeis University, 1964. pp. xi+511. |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Qumran and Colosse," Bibliotheca Sacra 121 (April-June 1964):
141-152. pdf |
1965 |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Do the Bible's critics use a double standard," Christianity
Today 10 (19 Nov. 1965): 3-6. |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Tammuz and the Bible," Journal of Biblical Literature 84.3
(Sept. 1965): 283-290. |
1966 |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, Greece and Babylon: early contacts between the Aegean and the Near
East. Baker studies in biblical archaeology. Grand Rapids: Baker Book
House, 1967. pp.115. |
Yamauchi, "Slaves Of God," Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological
Society 9.1 (Winter 1966): 31-49. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "The present status of Mandaean studies," Journal of Near Eastern
Studies 25.2 (April 1966): 88-96. |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Teacher of righteousness from Qumran and Jesus of Nazareth," Christianity Today 10 (13th May 1966): 12-14. |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Additional notes on Tammuz," Journal of Semitic Studies 11
(Spring 1966): 10-15. |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Daily bread motif in antiquity," Westminster Theological
Journal 28 (May 1966): 145-156. |
1968 |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Anthropomorphism in ancient religions," Bibliotheca Sacra 125
(Jan.-Mar. 1968): 29-44. |
1968 |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Stones, scripts, and scholars," Christianity Today 13 (14th
Feb. 1969): 8-13. |
1970 |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Anthropomorphism in hellenism and in Judaism," Bibliotheca
Sacra 127 (July-Sept. 1970): 212-222. |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "The Greek words in Daniel in the light of Greek influence in the
Near East." New perspectives on the Old Testament. Waco, TX: Word Books,
1970. pp. 170-200. |
1971 |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "The Gnostics and history," Journal of the Evangelical Theological
Society 14.1 (March 1971): 29-40. pdf |
1973 |
M. Yamauchi, Pre-Christian Gnosticism: a survey of the proposed
evidences, 1973. 2nd edn. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983. ISBN:
0801099196. pp.278. |
M. Yamauchi, The Stones and the Scriptures. Evangelical perspectives
series. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1972. ISBN: 0879810025. pp.207. London:
Inter-Varsity Press, 1973. Pbk. ISBN: 0851105734. pp.192. |
1978 |
Edwin M. Yamauchi, "The Descent of Ishtar, the Fall of
Sophia, and the Jewish Roots of Gnosticism," Tyndale Bulletin 29 (1978):
143-175. pdf |
1980 |
M. Yamauchi, Archaeology of New Testament Cities in Western Asia Minor.
London: Pickering & Inglis, 1980. ISBN: 0720804825. pp.180. |
J. Wiseman & Edwin Yamauchi, Archaeology and the Bible: an introductory
study. London [etc.]: Pickering and Inglis, 1980. ISBN: 072080454X.
pp.122. |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "The reverse order of Ezra/Nehemiah Reconsidered," Themelios 5.3 (1980): 7-13. pdf |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Josephus and the scriptures," Fides et historia 13 (Fall
1980): 42-63. |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Two reformers compared: Solon of Athens and Nehemiah of Jerusalem," Bible world. New York: KTAV, 1980. pp. 269-292. |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "The archaeological background of Daniel: archaeological backgrounds
of the exilic and postexilic era, pt 1," Bibliotheca Sacra 137
(Jan.-March 1980): 3-16. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "The archaeological background of Esther: archaeological backgrounds
of the exilic and postexilic era, pt 2," Bibliotheca Sacra 137
(April-June 1980): 99-117. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Archaeological backgrounds of the exilic and postexilic era, pt 3:
the archaeological background of Ezra," Bibliotheca Sacra 137
(July-Sept. 1980): 195-211. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Archaeological backgrounds of the Exilic and Postexilic era, pt. 4:
The archaeological background of Nehemiah," Bibliotheca Sacra 137
(Oct.-Dec. 1980): 291-309. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
Edwin M. Yamauchi, The Scriptures and Archaeology. Abraham to Daniel. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 1980, 2013. ISBN: 9781725233195. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link] |
1981 |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Unearthing Ebla's ancient secrets," Christianity Today 25
(8th May 1981): 18-21. |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Daniel and Contacts Between the Aegean and the Near East Before
Alexander," Evangelical Quarterly 53.1 (Jan.-Mar. 1981): 37-47. pdf |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Jewish gnosticism: the prologue of John, Mandaean parallels, and the
trimorphic Protennoia," Studies in gnosticism and Hellenistic religions
presented to Gilles Quispel on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Leiden:
Brill, 1981. pp.467-497. |
M. Yamauchi, The World of the first Christians: Part 1: The Jewish
World.. Tring: Lion, 1981. ISBN: 0856482676. pp.32. |
M. Yamauchi, The World of the first Christians: Part 3: The Roman
Empire. Tring : Lion Publishing, 1981. Pbk. ISBN: 0856482692.
pp.32. |
1982 |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "The Crucifixion and Docetic Christology," Concordia Theological
Quarterly 46 (Jan. 1982): 1-20. |
M. Yamauchi, Foes from the northern frontier: invading hordes from the
Russian steppes. Baker studies in biblical archaeology. Grand Rapids: Baker
Book House, 1982. Pbk. ISBN: 0801099188. pp.148. |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Nehemiah, A Model leader," Spectrum of thought. Wilmore, KY:
Francis Asbury Publishing Co., 1982. pp.171-180. |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Ramsay's views on archaeology in Asia Minor reviewed," New
Testament student and his field. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and
Reformed Publishing Co., 1982. pp.27-40. |
1983 |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "The Scythians: invading hordes from the Russian steppes," Biblical Archaeologist 46 (Spring 1983): 90-99. |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Magic in the biblical world," Tyndale Bulletin 34 (1983):
169-200. pdf |
1984 |
Edwin M
Yamauchi, "Pre-Christian Gnosticism, the New Testament and Nag Hammadi in
Recent Debate," Themelios 10.1 (1984): 22-27. |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Sociology, scripture and the supernatural," Journal of the
Evangelical Theological Society 27.2 (June 1984): 169-192. pdf |
1985 |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "The proofs, problems, and promises of biblical archaeology," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.2 (April 1985): 117-138. |
1986 |
M. Yamauchi, "Postbiblical traditions about Ezra and Nehemiah," Ronald
Youngblood & Walter C. Kaiser, eds., Tribute to Gleason Archer.
Chicago, IL: Moody Press, 1986. Hbk. ISBN: 0802487807 . pp.167-176. |
1987 |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "History and hermeneutics," Evangelical Journal 5.2 (Fall
1987): 55-66. |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Erasmus' contributions to New Testament scholarship," Fides et
historia 19 (Oct. 1987): 6-24. |
1989 |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "The episode of the Magi," Jerry Vardaman & Edwin M. Yamauchi,
eds., Chronos, Kairos, Christos. Nativity and Chronological Studies
Presented to Jack Finegan. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1989. ISBN:
0931464501. pp.15-39. |
1990 |
M. Yamauchi, Persia and the Bible. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1990.
Hbk. ISBN: 0801098998. pp.578. |
1991 |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Christians and the Jewish revolts against Rome," Fides et
historia 23 Sum (1991): 11-30. |
1992 |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Mordecai, the Persepolis tablets, and the Susa excavations," Vetus Testamentum 42.2 (April 1992): 272-275. |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "The Archaeology of Biblical Africa: Cyrene in Libya," Archaeology
in the Biblical World 2 (Fall 1992): 6-18. |
1993 |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Scroll Hype," Christianity Today 37 (4th Oct. 1993):
28-31. |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Metal Sources and Metallurgy In the Biblical World," Perspectives
on Science and Christian Faith 45 (Dec. 1993): 252-259. |
G. Clouse, Richard V. Pierard & Edwin M. Yamauchi, Two Kingdoms: the
Church and Culture through the Ages. Chicago: Moody Press, 1993. ISBN:
0802485901. pp.672. |
1994 |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Did We Hear the Angels Right," Christianity Today 38 (16th
May 1994): 11. pp.400. |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Persians," Alfred J. Hoerth, Gerald L. Mattingly & Edwin
M.Yamauchi, eds., Peoples of the Old Testament World. Grand Rapids:
Baker, 1994. pp.107-124. |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "The current state of Old Testament historiography," Faith,
Tradition, and History. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1994.
pp.1-36. |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Gnosticism and early Christianity," Hellenization Revisited.
Lanham, MD: Univ Press of America, 1994. pp.29-61. |
J. Hoerth, Gerald L. Mattingly & Edwin M. Yamauchi, eds., Peoples of the
Old Testament World. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1994. Hbk. ISBN:
0801043832. pp.400. |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Political background of the Old Testament," Foundations for
Biblical Interpretation. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1994.
pp.306-327. |
1995 |
M. Yamauchi, "Jesus outside the New Testament: what is the evidence?" Jesus
Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents the Historical Jesus. Grand
Rapids: Zondervan, 1995. Pbk. ISBN: 0310211395 . pp.207-229. |
1996 |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Afrocentric Biblical Interpretation," Journal of the Evangelical
Theological Society 39.3 (Sept. 1996): 397-409. pdf |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Magic Bowls: Cyrus H Gordon and the Ubiquity of Magic in the
Pre-Modern World," Biblical Archaeologist 59 (March 1996):
51-55. |
M. Yamauchi, "Cambyses in Egypt," "Go to the land I will show you": Studies
in Honour of Dwlight Wayne Young. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1996. Hbk.
ISBN: 0931464919. pp.371-392. |
1997 |
M. Yamauchi, "The issue of pre-Christian Gnosticism reviewed in the light of
the Nag Hammadi texts," Nag Hammadi Library After Fifty Years.
Proceedings of the 1995 Society of Biblical Literature. Leiden: E J Brill,
1997. Hbk. ISBN: 9004108246. pp.72-88. |
1998 |
M. Yamauchi, "Life, death, and the afterlife in the ancient Near East," Richard
N. Longenecker, ed., Life in the Face of Death: Resurrection Message of the
New Testament. McMaster New Testament Studies. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,
1998. Pbk. ISBN: 080284474X. pp.21-50. |
2000 |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Attitudes toward the aged in antiquity," Near East Archaeological
Society Bulletin ns 45 (2000): 1-9. |
2001 |
M. Yamauchi, ed., Africa and Africans in Antiquity. East Lansing:
Michigan State University Press, 2001. ISBN: 0870135074. pp. xv+324. |
2002 |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Banquets in the biblical world," Proceedings Eastern Great Lakes
and Midwest Biblical Societies 22 (2002): 147-157. |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "The eastern Jewish diaspora under the Babylonians," Mesopotamia
and the Bible. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2002. pp.356-377. |
2003 |
Edwin M. Yamauchi, New Testament Cities in Western Asia Minor. Light from Archaeology on Cities of Paul and the Seven Churches of Revelation. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2003. ISBN: 9781725200432. pp.180. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link] |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, Foes From the Northern Frontier. Invading Hordes from the Russian Steppes. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2003.. ISBN: 9781725200562. pp.148. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link] |
M. Yamauchi, Pre-Christian Gnosticism: A Survey of the Proposed Evidences, Revised edition.
Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 1973, 1983, 2003. ISBN: 9781725208780. pp.280. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link] |
2004 |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Bullard, Reuben, 1928-2004," Biblical Archaeology Review 30.6
(Nov.-Dec. 2004): 13. |
M. Yamauchi, Africa and the Bible. Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Academic,
2004. ISBN: 0801026865. pp.297. |
Edwin M. Yamauchi, Gnostic Ethics and Mandaean Origins. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2004. ISBN: 9781463209476. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link] |
2005 |
Edwin M.
Yamauchi, "Elderen, Bastiaan van, 1924-2004," Biblical Archaeology
Review 31.1 (Jan.-Feb. 2005): 14. |
Edwin M. Yamauchi, Mandaic Incantation Texts. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2005. ISBN: 9781463210229. pp.436. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link] |
2009 |
Edwin Yamauchi, Anthony Tomasino, Izak Cornelius & John H. Walton, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, and Job. Zondervan Illustrated Bible Background Commentary. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2009, 2019. ISBN: 9780310527633. pp.183. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link] |
2017 |
Edwin Yamauchi & Elaine A. Phillips, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther. The Expositor's Bible Commentary, revised. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2017. ISBN: 9780310531821. pp.336. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link] |