1956 |
Guthrie, "Tertullian and Pseudonymity," Expository Times 67 (1956):
341f. |
Donald Guthrie, The Pastoral Epistles and the Mind of Paul. The Tyndale New Testament Lecture, 1955. London: The Tyndale Press, 1956. Pbk. pp.44. pdf |
1957 |
Donald Guthrie, The Pastoral
Epistles. Tyndale New Testament Commentary. London: The Tyndale Press, 1957. e-book: London: IVP, 2015. ISBN: 9781783593477. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link] |
1958 |
Guthrie, The Epistle to the Hebrews in Recent Thought. London Bible
College Annual Lecture, 1958. |
1960 |
Donald Guthrie, New
Testament Introduction: The Pauline Epistles. The Tyndale Press, 1960. |
1962 |
Donald Guthrie, "The
Development of the Idea of Canonical Pseudopigraphy in New Testament
Criticism," Vox Evangelica 1 (1962): 43-59. pdf Reproduced in The Authorship and Integrity of the New Testament, SPCK Theological
Collections 4. London: SPCK, 1965. pp.14-39. |
Guthrie, New Testament Introduction. Hebrews to Revelation. London: The
Tyndale Press, 1962. |
Donald Guthrie, "Recent Literature on the Petrine Epistles," Themelios 1.1 (Oct. 1962): 13-23. pdf [Reproduced by kind permission of the copyright holder] |
1963 |
Donald Guthrie, "Recent Literature on the
Acts of the Apostles," Vox Evangelica 2 (1963): 33-49. pdf |
Guthrie, Epistles from Prison. Lutterworth Bible Guides, 1963. |
1965 |
Donald Guthrie, "Dilemma in New Testament Criticism," TSF Bulletin 42 (Summer 1965): 4-9. pdf [Reproduced by kind permission of the copyright holder] |
Donald Guthrie, "Christianity and the Computer," TSF Bulletin 42 (Summer 1965): 9-11. pdf [Reproduced by kind permission of the copyright holder] |
Donald Guthrie, "Some Recent Books on the Gospels," Vox Evangelica 4 (1965): 43-54. pdf |
Guthrie, New Testament Introduction: The Gospels and Acts. London: The
Tyndale Press, 1965. |
1966 |
Donald Guthrie, "Oral Tradition in New Testament Times," Themelios 3.3 (1966): 24-30. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author's estate] |
1967 |
Donald Guthrie, "Some Recent Books on the Gospels," Vox Evangelica 4 (1965): 43-54. pdf |
1968 |
Guthrie, "Form Criticism," Themelios 5.1 (1968): 8-14. |
1969 |
Donald Guthrie [1916-1992], Galatians. The New Century Bible
Commentary. London: Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 1974. Pbk. ISBN: 0551005459.
pp.164. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the author's estate] |
1970 |
Guthrie, A Shorter Life of Christ. Grand Rapids: Zondervan,
1970. |
Guthrie, New Testament Introduction, One-volume revised edition. The
Tyndale Press, 1970. |
Guthrie, "Acts and Epistles in Apocryphal Writings," W. Ward Gasque & Ralph
P. Martin, eds., Apostolic History and the Gospel. Exeter: The
Paternoster Press, 1970. Hbk. ISBN: 085364098X. pp.328-345. |
1972 |
Guthrie, Jesus the Messiah. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, Grand Rapids,
1972. |
1973 |
Donald Guthrie, "The New
Testament Approach to Social Responsibility," Vox Evangelica 8 (1973):
40-59. pdf |
1974 |
Guthrie, 'Paul the Preacher and his Preaching', Fraternal 169 (1974):
22-29. |
Guthrie, "History and the Gospels," Themelios 10. l (1974):
11-19. |
1975 |
Guthrie, The Apostles. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1975. |
1979 |
Guthrie, "The Historical and Literary Criticism of the New Testament," F. E.
Gaebelein, ed., The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Vol. 1: Introductory Articles. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1979. Hbk. pp.447-
448. |
Donald Guthrie, "Questions of Introduction," I. Howard Marshall, ed., New Testament Interpretation:
Essays on Principles and Methods, 1977. Carlisle: The Paternoster Press,
revised 1979. Pbk. ISBN: 0853644241. pp.105-116. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
1981 |
Guthrie, New Testament Theology. Leicester: IVP, 1981. |
Donald Guthrie, "The Lamb in the Structure of the Book of Revelation," Vox Evangelica 12 (1981): 64-71. pdf |
1983 |
Donald Guthrie, Hebrews. Tyndale New Testament
Commentaries. Leicester: IVP, 2015. ISBN: 9781783593354. pp.281. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link] |
1984 |
Donald Guthrie, "Transformation and the Parousia: Reflections on the Resurrection Body (Drew Lecture on Immortality for 1983)," Vox Evangelica 14 (1984): 39-52. pdf |
1986 |
Donald Guthrie, "Biblical Authority and New Testament Scholarship," Vox Evangelica 16 (1986): 7-25. pdf |
1990 |
Donald Guthrie, “An Appreciation of F. F. Bruce,” Evangel 8:4 (1990): 2. pdf [Reproduced by kind permission of the copyright holder] |