F.F. Bruce, "Herod
Antipas, Tetrarch of Galilee and Peraea," The Annual of Leeds University
Oriental Society 5 (1963/65): 6-23. pdf |
F.F. Bruce, "The Christian Brethren," John McNicol, ed., Free Church Directory, 1965-66 edition. Morden: Crown House, [1965]. Hbk. pp.273-275. pdf [© 1965 F.F. Bruce Copyright International, Inc., Bath, England, and Nashville, Tennessee. Reproduced by permission] |
Bruce, Merrill C. Tenney & Geoffrey C. Bromiley. "Getting to Know the New
Testament," Eternity 16.2 (Feb. 1965): 42- |
Bruce, "New Testament Studies in 1964," Christianity Today 9 (Feb. 12
1965): 9-11. |
Bruce, "Matter of Call," Christianity Today 9 (Mar. 26 1965): 38. |
Bruce, "John the Forerunner," Faith and Thought 94.3 (1965): 182-90. pdf |
Bruce, "Josephus and Daniel," Annual of the Swedish Theological
Institute 4 (1965): 148-62. [Presidential Address to the Society for Old
Testament Study, London, January 1965.] [Reprinted with revisions in A
Mind For What Matters (1990). pp.19-31.] |
F.F. Bruce, "St. Paul in Rome. 2. The Epistle to Philemon," Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester 48.1 (Autumn 1965):
81-97.[Part 2 of 5] pdf |
Bruce, "Unity in the New Testament," Northern Baptist College Magazine 1
(1965): 28-31. |
Bruce, "Ross, Alexander, 1888-1965," The Evangelical Quarterly 37
(Oct.-Dec. 1965): 193-196. |
Bruce, "Kevan, Ernest F," The Evangelical Quarterly 37 (Oct.-Dec. 1965):
196. |
F.F. Bruce, "St Paul in Rome. 3. The Epistle to the Colossians," Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester 48.2 (Spring 1966):
268-285.[Part 3 of 5] pdf |
Bruce, "New Testament Studies in 1965," Christianity Today 10 (Feb. 4
1966): 13-15. |
Bruce & Herbert Henry Ehrenstein, "N.T. Times and Text," Eternity 17.3 (March 1966): 44- |
Bruce, "Charles Harold Dodd," P.E. Hughes, ed., Creative Minds in Modern
Theology. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1966. pp.239-69. |
Bruce, "The Dead Sea Scrolls and Early Christianity," Bulletin of the John
Rylands Library 49 (1966/67): 69-90. [Reprinted with revisions in A
Mind For What Matters (1990). pp.49-64.] |
Bruce, "History of the Gospel," C.F.H. Henry, ed., Jesus of Nazareth:
Saviour and Lord. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans / London: The Tyndale Press, 1966.
Hbk. pp. |
F.F. Bruce,
"Holy Spirit in the Qumran Texts," Annual of Leeds University Oriental
Society 6 (1966/68): 49-55. pdf |
Bruce, "Jesus and Paul," Theological Students Fellowship Bulletin 46
(Autumn 1966): 21-26. |
Bruce, "Jesus Knew the Secular City," Eternity 17.9 (Sept. 1966):
45- |
F.F. Bruce,
"Myth and the New Testament," TSF Bulletin 44 (Spring 1966): 10-15. pdf |
Bruce, "The Pattern of Poetry," G.S. Gunn, Ed., Singers of Israel. Bible
Guies 10. London: Lutterworth Press / Nashville & New York: Abingdon Press,
1966. pp.32-36. |
Bruce, "Literature and Theology to Gregory the Great," Journal of
Ecclesiastical History 18 (1967): 227-31. |
Bruce, "Noteworthy Advances in the New Testament Field," Christianity
Today 11 (1966/67): 433-36. |
Bruce, "Books: Looking in on the Ancient World," Eternity 17.11 (Nov.
1966): 46- |
F.F. Bruce,
"New Light on the Origin of the New Testament," Faith and Thought 101.2
(1974): 158-162. pdf This is a brief
summary of the above article. |
Bruce, "Paul and the Historical Jesus," Bulletin of the John Rylands
University Library of Manchester 56 (1974): 317-335. |
F.F. Bruce, "Recent Literature on the Epistle to the Hebrews," Themelios 3.3 (1966): 31-36. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
F. F. Bruce,
"The Speeches In Acts: Thirty Years After," Robert Banks, ed., Reconciliation and Hope. New Testament Essays on Atonement and Eschatology
Presented to L.L. Morris on his 60th Birthday. Carlisle: The Paternoster
Press, 1974. pp.53-68. pdf |
F.F. Bruce, "St. Paul in Rome: 4. The Epistle to the Ephesians," Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester 49.2 (Spring 1967):
303-322 .[Part 4 of 5] pdf |
Bruce, "Noteworthy advances in the New Testament field," Christianity
Today 11 (Feb. 3 1967): 9-12. |
Bruce, "Society for Old Testament study, 1917-1967," Expository Times 78
(Feb. 1967): 147-148. |
Bruce, "Literature and theology to Gregory the Great," Journal of
Ecclesiastical History 18.2 (Oct. 1967): 227-231. |
Bruce, "St. Paul in Rome: 5. Concluding Observations," Bulletin of the John
Rylands Library 50 (1967/68): 262-79. |
Bruce, "Tell el-Amarna,"D. Winton Thomas, ed., Archaeology and Old Testament
study. Jubilee Volume of the Society for Old Testament Study. Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1967. pp.3-20. |
F.F. Bruce, “Galatian Problems. 2. North or South Galatians?” Bulletin of the John Rylands Library
Manchester 52.2 (Spring 1970): 243-266. pdf |
F.F. Bruce, The Epistles of John.
London & Glasgow: Pickering & Inglis, 1970 / Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,
1979. Reprinted: Eerdmans, 1979. Pbk. ISBN: 0802817831. pp.160. |
Bruce, "New English Bible," Christianity Today 14 (Jan 30 1970):
8-11. |
Bruce, Tradition Old and New. Exeter: The Paternoster Press / Grand
Rapids: Zondervan, 1970. Hbk. ISBN: 0853641005. pp.184. |
Bruce, Matthew. Scripture Union Bible Study Books. London: Scripture
Union, 1970. pp.95. = St. Matthew. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1971. pp.94.
Reprinted: 1978. Pbk. ISBN: 0854216030. Republished 2014 as Kindle e-book in the Open Bible Commentary Series. |
Bruce, The English Bible: A History of Translations from the Earlist English
Versions to the New English Bible, new & revised edn. London: The
Lutterworth Press / New York: Oxford University Press, 1970. pp.xiv + 263. |
Bruce, "Dead Sea Scrolls," R. Cavendish, ed., Man, Myth and Magic.
London: B.P.C. Publishing Co., 1970. pp.609-611. |
Bruce, "Exiles in an Alien World," The Catholic Layman's Library, 2:
Understanding the Bible - The New Testament. Gastonia, NC: Good Will
Publishers, 1970. pp.265-301. |
Bruce, "Qumran," S.G.F. Brandon, ed., Dictionary of Comparative
Religion. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1970. pp.552-525. |
Bruce, "Texts and Translations," H.P. Merchant, ed., Encounters With
Books. Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press, 1970. pp.1-5. |
Bruce, "Regent College, Vancouver," The Witness 100. No, 1199 (Nov.
1970): 418-419. |
F.F. Bruce,
"New Light on the Origin of the New Testament," Faith and Thought 101.2
(1974): 158-162. pdf This is a brief
summary of the above article. |
F. F. Bruce,
"The Speeches In Acts: Thirty Years After," Robert Banks, ed., Reconciliation and Hope. New Testament Essays on Atonement and Eschatology
Presented to L.L. Morris on his 60th Birthday. Carlisle: The Paternoster
Press, 1974. pp.53-68. pdf |
Bruce, The Books and the Parchments, revised edn. London / Glasgow:
Pickering & Inglis / Old Tappan, NJ: Fleming H. Revell, 1971. pp.287.
Reprinted: Fleming H Revell Co., 1984. Hbk. ISBN: 0800712145. |
F.F. Bruce, 1 & 2
Corinthians. The New Century Bible Commentary. London: Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 1972, 1996. Pbk. pp.262. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the F.F. Bruce Estate] |
F.F. Bruce, “Galatian Problems. 3. The ‘Other’ Gospel,” Bulletin of the John Rylands Library
Manchester 53.2 (Spring 1971): 253-271. pdf |
Bruce, New Testament History (with corrections). Garden City, NJ:
Doubleday, 1971. pp. xiv + 462. |
Bruce, "Inter-testamental Literature," F.G. Healey, ed., Preface to
Christian Studies. London: Lutterworth Press, 1971. pp.83-104. |
Bruce, "Paul on Immorality," Scottish Journal of Theology 24 (1971):
457-472. |
Bruce, "St. John's Passion Narrative," The Witness 101 (Jan. 1971):
7-9. |
Bruce, "St. John's Passion Narrative (2)," The Witness 101 (Feb. 1971):
49-51. |
Bruce, "St. John's Passion Narrative (3)," The Witness 101 (March 1971):
90-92. |
Bruce, "St. John's Passion Narrative (4)," The Witness 101 (April 1971):
129-131. |
Bruce, "St. John's Passion Narrative (5)," The Witness 101 (May 1971):
176-178. |
Bruce, "St. John's Passion Narrative (6)," The Witness 101 (June 1971):
205-206. |
Bruce, "St. John's Passion Narrative (7)," The Witness 101 (July 1971): |
Bruce, "St. John's Passion Narrative (8)," The Witness 101 (Aug. 1971):
284-287. |
Bruce, "St. John's Passion Narrative (9)," The Witness 101 (Sept. 1971): |
Bruce, "St. John's Passion Narrative (10)," The Witness 101 (Oct. 1971):
365-367. |
Bruce, "St. John's Passion Narrative (11)," The Witness 101 (Nov. 1971):
416-418. |
Bruce, "St. John's Passion Narrative (12)," The Witness 101 (Dec. 1971):
450-452. |
Bruce, "Some Thoughts on Paul and Paulinism," Vox Evangelica 7 (1971):
5-16. pdf |
F.F. Bruce, "St. John's Passion
Narrative," The Witness 101-102) January 1971 - December
1972). |
Bruce, Answers to Questions. Exeter: The Paternoster Press, 1972 / Grand
Rapids: Eerdmans, 1973. pp.264. |
F.F. Bruce, The Message of
the New Testament. Exeter: The Paternoster Press, 1972 / Grand Rapids:
Eerdmans, 1973. pp.117. Reprinted: Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1986. Pbk. ISBN:
0802815251. pp.120. |
Bruce, "Corinthians, Second Epistle to the," Philip E. Hughes, ed., The
Encyclopedia of Christianity 3. Maarshallton, DE: National Foundation for
Christian Education, 1972. |
Bruce, "The Corner-Stone," Expository Times 84 (1972-73): 231-235. |
Bruce, "The Earliest Old Testament Interpretation," Oudtestamentische
Studiën 17 (1972): 37-52. |
F.F. Bruce, “Galatian Problems. 4. The Date of the Epistle,” Bulletin of the John Rylands Library
Manchester 54.2 (Spring 1972): 250-267. pdf |
Bruce, "On Dating the New Testament," Eternity 23 (June 1972):
32-33. pdf |
Bruce, "Galatian Problems: 5. Galatians and Christian Origins," Bulletin of
the John Rylands Library 55.2 (1972-73): 264-284. |
Bruce, "Are The Gospels Anti-Semitic?" Eternity 24 (November 1973):
16-18. pdf |
Bruce, "Eschatology in the Apostolic Fathers," D. Nieman & M. Schatkin,
eds., The Heritage of the Christian Church. Festschrift for G.V.
Florovsky. Orientalia Christiana Analecta 195. Rome: Pontificial
Institutum Studiorum Orientalium, 1973. pp.17-89. |
Bruce, "Evangelism in the New Testament," Thrust 5 (July 1973):
5-7. |
Bruce, "The Holy Spirit in the Acts of the Apostles," Interpretation 27
(April 1973): 166-183. |
F.F. Bruce,
"The Humanity of Jesus Christ," Journal of the Christian Brethren Research
Fellowship 24 (Sept, 1973): 5-15. pdf [Bruce begins by correcting some erroneous interpretations of the NT
teaching on the human nature of Christ before providing a brief survey of the
various lines of NT evidence. A helpful overview.] [Reprinted with revisions in A Mind For What Matters (1990). pp.248-258.] |
Bruce, "Jesus, Ethical Teachings," Baker Dictionary of Christian Ethics.
Grand Rapids: Baker / Washington, DC: Canon Press, 1973. pp.348-351. |
Bruce, "New wine in old wineskins," Expository Times 84 (May 1973):
231-235. |
Bruce, "Salvation History in the New Testament," E.J. Sharpe & J.R.
Hinnells, eds., Man and His Salvation: Essays in Memory of S.G.F.
Brandon. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1973. pp.75-90. pdf [© 1968 F.F. Bruce Copyright International, Inc., Bath, England, and Nashville, Tennessee. Reproduced by permission] |
F.F. Bruce, "Charles Harold Dodd
(1884-1973)," The Witness 103, No. 1235 (Nov. 1973): 424-425. |
Bruce, "The Spirit in the Apocalypse," Stephen S. Smalley & Barnabas
Lindars, eds., Christ and Spirit in the New Testament: Studies in Honour of
Charles Francis Digby Moule. Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University
Press, 1973. Hbk. ISBN: 0521201489. pp.333-344. |